How do I fill my bladder for my scan?
Empty your bladder two hours before the ultrasound.
Drink 32 ounces of water 30 minutes before your ultrasound appointment. Don’t empty your bladder again until the appointment ends.
What is the difference in 3D and 4D?
3D scans show still pictures of your baby in three dimensions. 4D scans show moving 3D images of your baby.
Is gender determination in color?
No, gender determination is done in 2D (black and white) because it is much more accurate. We will switch the screen to 4D at the end of your scan if time allows.
Do I need to make an appointment?
We accept walk-ins and appointments, with appointments being prioritized. Most days we can get you in on the same day, just depending on the schedule.
Do you accept insurance?
No, since this is an elective ultrasound we don't accept insurance. We take all major credit cards and cash.
What do I need to do before my appointment?
We ask that you increase your daily water intake about a week before your session (96oz daily). This will help with your amniotic fluid level which will determine the clarity of the images. We also suggest juice, candy or a snack 30 minutes before your appointment as this will help get baby moving for us. Some factors that determine the outcome of your ultrasound are out of our control such as: where your placenta is located, the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, baby's position, & the overall fetal environment. We will always do our best to get baby to move and get the best images possible. Drinking water days in advance and drinking juice on your way to see us is very important.
What if my baby doesn't cooperate?
It happens! Sometimes babies are shy whether it be legs closed, hands or feet in the face, face in the placenta, up against the uterine wall or completely turned the wrong direction. We will always try our best but if we still can’t get him or her, all of our packages come with free rescans.
Can I get an estimated fetal weight?
Sure! We want to make sure we get you the images you want first and foremost. But, with our 15-20 min scan we can usually get this. This is just an estimate!
How far along do I have to be for gender determination?
We start our gender determinations at 15 weeks and up. When coming for a gender determination please come with a full bladder.
When is the best time for a 4D session?
We recommend anytime between 28- 32 weeks for the cute "chubby face" pictures. Earlier in the pregnancy baby is smaller and you get more full body images. However, we have done wonderful scans ranging from 10 weeks to 38 weeks. We are always willing to try if you are!
If I am overweight will I be able to get clear images?
Some women may be hesitant to have a 3D/4D session done because of their weight, or they have had bad experiences prior to seeing us. The greatest advice is to wait until 30 weeks gestation to give the baby more time to get a bit bigger and to be more likely in a better position. If you are overweight it is very important to be sure you are drinking more WATER daily (96oz) for at least 7 days before your appointment. While we can not guarantee any scan for any mom, we will always do our very best and have had great success!
What if my baby is in the breech position?
Breech positioning is when the baby's head is facing up at the top of your uterus with their bottom down. If you do know that baby is in this position we suggest you wait until baby has flipped to vertex (head down) position. We are still able to get images if baby is breech but sometimes it can make it challenging. Waiting to come in once baby has flipped is recommended. However, some babies remain breech until the end of pregnancy. If this is the case increasing your water intake at least a week before will be very important in determining the quality of the images we can get.
Can I bring family or friends with me?
Yes! We absolutely want you to bring family and friends to join you in this special experience. We also allow kids. Our ultrasound room has enough seating for mom plus 4. You are welcome to bring as many people as you'd like!
How many weeks gestation do I have to be to have a session done?
The earliest we can view baby is around 8 weeks gestation. We have an Early Pregnancy Peek to view the gestational sac if you want to come in earlier than 8 weeks!
Is it worth it coming in before 28-32 weeks to have a 3D/4D session?
Many moms want to come in sooner to see their baby and we totally understand! Images will be of the baby's whole body. It’s a great time to watch them wiggle and kick and show off their personality!